Latin America: a continent of extremes

Pipeline theft remains a global problem and each region is impacted in different ways due to the multidimensional nature of the crime. With Latin America being a continent of extremes, approaches to theft detection should acknowledge that there is no one size fits all solution and should take a multilayered approach to pipeline theft.

A desktop screen containing Sales and Senior Research Engineer Harry Smith's "Spotlight on pipeline theft in Latin America" article for EPBRSales and Senior Research Engineer Harry Smith sheds light on the pipeline theft challenges facing Latin America in this article and how Atmos, an organization that has detected more than 1,000 pipeline thefts globally, is directly responsible for ongoing support to the region.

The article discusses the following pipeline theft related challenges facing Latin America:

  • The region’s physical geography
  • Poverty and inequality
  • Organized crime groups
  • COVID-19 pandemic

The following three case studies are covered to evidence our support to the region:

  • Atmos Wave in Costa Rica
  • Atmos Theft Net in Mexico
  • Atmos Pipe in Colombia