Every second counts

Failure to monitor a water system network for new and existing leaks can have disruptive consequences for both water utilities and surrounding areas, especially when every second counts.

By prioritizing the identification of new leaks as they occur, water utilities can save valuable time repairing a pipeline before the leak escalates. In this article for Water Industry Journal, Business Development Director for water Martin Duff discusses the challenge of identifying new and existing leaks across a water distribution network.

With a focus on clean water and wastewater applications, the article covers the following features of leakage reduction and how Atmos’ leak detection solutions can provide support:

  • Fast leak detection
  • Accuracy
  • Precision leak location
  • The importance of a multimethod approach

Read the full feature on pages 60-61 in this issue of Water Industry Journal. Click the image below to read.

An open page magazine. On the left page is Business Development Director for water Martin Duff's article, titled: "Every second counts: the challenge and  benefits of identifying new and existing leaks  on clean water and wastewater pipelines". On the right page is an advert by Atmos International containing an aerial view image of a water distribution network.