Product theft from pipelines is an enormous problem all over the world. The extent, severity, and risk of such theft operations are a major concern to the industry and the world community. This is organized crime using modern technology to steal large quantities of valuable material from hazardous product pipelines. The activities of illegal tapping by cutting into pipelines can cause pipeline ruptures, and explosions; leading to human casualties, destruction of property, and damage to the environment. As these theft operations become more sophisticated one company continues to stay ahead of the game.

“These thieves are very clever. They cut the fiber optic cables along the pipelines; an easy way to incapacitate the fiber-optic intruder detection systems.” “Customers want Theft Net because it is sensitive and can quickly locate multiple theft locations along a pipeline at the same time.”  - Alonso Jimenez, Business Development Manager at Atmos International Latin America

Theft Net, from Atmos International, is an innovative data analysis service that uses specialist engineers to interpret data collected from pipelines to accurately pinpoint illegal tapping points. These specialist theft detection engineers achieve far higher sensitivity than standard online theft detection systems. By using a combination of hardware, software, and skilled engineering analysis this unique service has already been deployed on virtually every refined product pipeline network in the UK, and several other countries. The number of thefts being detected, and accurately located has reduced from one a week to one every few of months in the UK, due to the Theft Net service and Atmos technology acting as a deterrent to thieves.

The Latin American Theft Net division, based in the Atmos Costa Rica office in San Jose, will bring welcome relief to pipeline operators in Latin America under attack from high-tech thieves. The Costa Rica team is already setting up the Theft Net service for pipelines in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.