San Antonio: +1 (210) 562 3164 - Anaheim: +1 (714) 520 5325
Atmos has undertaken significant planning to ensure its colleagues remain safe as they begin to return to the office
Retro-fitting technology often involves some lateral thinking. Not only in terms of where to put it on the pipeline but also how to access some areas. Technology has moved on considerably and pipelines built several decades ago now require innovation to help them operate safely. With thousands of kilometers of pipelines, many of which are not close to operation centers, remote technology is vital.
Atmos International colleague Gary Cheung used up his holidays, evenings and weekends to help make protective visors for medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with a local group in Knutsford, England, where he lives, Gary has produced 1,100 visors that have been distributed across the North West of England.
Proud to be supporting a grassroots youth football team, Atmos International has sponsored Bramhall North 75 Eagles Under 9s.
Atmos International (Atmos) has created a unique regulation program compliance service for its customers.